Well the day after I wrote the Disappointed post, I had taken a vacation day to use some time off. I am driving into the mall, and somehow I feel I am going to encounter cops today. I drive on cruise control at the correct speed limit, and as I pull into the mall, a BMW 5 series, that is fairly new - decides to back into my car. Ofcourse she accepted fault, and my car ( older one) had a few paint scrapes though her bumper was damaged. Still totally dampened my mood, and that evening when my husband started telling me I should have gotten her insurance info etc instead of waiting for the accident report, I lost it and started crying on the playground.Anyways, the weekend passed uneventfully, and then my Mom told me she is going to come but for 3 weeks instead of 4/5. Tuesday before labor day weekend, I go pick up my son and the daycare director informs me your son has a 'rash that looks like chickenpox'. I am taken aback, and say no it must be a bug bite, since he plays a lot in our backyard. Then she lifts his shirt and his stomach and back is covered in tiny red spots. Ofcourse, next day I had to Work from home, had planned to take Thursday and Friday off anyways, and yes it was indeed Breakthrough Varicella that is a variant of chickenpox. 2% of kids do have it despite a vaccination and my son was the chosen one! Anyways it was a mild case but we pretty much sat at home the whole weekend.
Highlight of the weekend was to actually go to BabiesRUs and buy a product called Kaboost so that my son can eat on the dining table with us since he no longer wants to sit on the high chair. Its a wonderful product, stable, and although limegreen is encouraging A to eat on the table himself..Anyways am back in the office and muddling through emails and office politics. More later..
In Which She Writes Promises Her Blog Can't Cash
2 years ago
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