Thursday, June 19, 2008


There are so many parenting books, parenting videos, websites etc, but ultimately it comes down to how you want to parent your kid. Co-sleep or family bed or separate rooms, CIO or other methods, stop bottle at 1 or 2 or 3, potty train when to when, etc etc. More choices than anything else when it comes to parenting.

Yesterday was talking to my manager and he is expecting his first baby - and I liked what he told me, we are ready to be parents and I dont think any book can prepare us for that. It really sounds true. Sometimes I look around and compare my son, what he's wearing, how much he knows, what he is good at , what his embarassing behaviors are, and I feel I need to stop. I mean he is not even two years old. This lil guy will blossom into his own person and I should just stop comparing, listening, and let him be a child and I should be there for him, try to spend good quality time with him and then just hope he turns out ok.

I am tired of comparing home size, baby clothes, baby goodies, material crap - so from now on I am going to be what I believe I am the best parent I think I can be and just let things take their stride.

Yeah.. lets see how long that lasts ( I just heard about a 2.5 yr old who knows all the presidents names ;))

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