A is getting closer to the two year mark and is now beginning to assert his independence, test his limits and do a lot of those things the toddler manuals warn me about ( not that I have read any, just saying). Maybe A is gifted - I mean he does learn everything pretty quickly even his daycare teachers say so, despite us not ever taking the time to teach him much at home..ahh but I digress.
Gifted - so that from 18 months on he started displaying some of the terrible two like behaviour - tantrums and lying down on the floor in the store when not given the balloon, other goodies, gen naughty behaviour like experimenting with 2 glasses and pouring water from one to the other and then finally dumping all on himself or the floor. I thought this behaviour comes on when you are two right. Anyways, yesterday morning as I packed A's daycare lunch, I heard a whimpering sound from upstairs.
S was asleep and A an early 615 type riser was in his room, so I thought maybe he is hurt. I go up and A tries to take my hand and leads me to the books in his room and away from his closet. I turn around to see a brand new Burts Bees Baby Buttermilk lotion completely dumped on my carpet. Nice.. fun way to begin the morning. S comes in, tries to reinforce that A did a bad thing, we try to shout at him in a louder than normal voice, fake tears, some hugs and sorries later, I am now left with a huge lotion stain on my carpet. This in addition to spilled diet coke, coffee, baby spit and other strange marks on my gray carpet. I guess I need to make a date with the Chemdry or whatever they are called man !
In Which She Writes Promises Her Blog Can't Cash
2 years ago